This category includes all through hole diodes from our offer. For example RGB 5mm, RGB 10mm, LEDs in colors, 5mm and 10mm.
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5mm RGB LEDs in a classic through-hole version with 4 pins. Each one representing one color (+), while the longest pin being a common cathode (common negative) for all three colors.
5mm diffused LED diodes are great for experimenting and trying new things, which is why they are included in our Dasduino Beginner Kit (DBK)!
10mm diffused LED diodes are great stuff to play with. They can used in various beginner projects.
This small LED is not just an ordinary LEDs – it’s specific because it has a built-in small integrated circuit (IC) that is able to turn on the LED light in 16 million different colors. IC is WS2812 and it uses a single wire can control thousands of these LEDs. With a little imagination by putting these pixels, you get superior effects with a minimum effort. These lamps are easy to control with Croduino.
• Color: RGB (red/green/blue)
• Voltage: 5V
• Power: max. 60mA
• Diode type: WS2812 SMD LED (5050 LED diode with built IC)
• Dimensions: diameter of 8 mm
5mm RGB LED diode in through-hole version with 4 pins. Each of those represents one color (-), while longest pin is common anode(common +) for all three colors.
• Voltage: 3.4V for blue and green, 2.3V for red
• Current: 20mA per color, total max. 60mA
• Diode size: 5mm, diffused
• Light angle: 25 degrees
10 pieces pack of crystal white LEDs.
3mm diffused LEDs are great for trying out and experimenting with LEDs.
Infra-red (IR) diode emits light in the spectrum that the human eye can’t see. However, such a diode has its purpose. It is used in remote controllers that send information on wavelengths within the infrared spectrum, e.g. to change television programme. So all you need to create your own remote is one of these diodes and correct data which will be sent!