This category includes all the temperature sensors we offer. For example SHTC3, DHT11, DHT22, BMP180, BME280, BME680 etc.
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DHT22 is a temperature and humidity sensor with even more precise reading comparing to DHT11.
DS18B20 is a waterproof temperature sensor packed in metal and waterproof housing. For communication with Dasduino/Arduino, it uses only one wire and it is possible to put up to 127 sensors on one code and measure temperature in 127 different places by using just one wire!
Check out: „How to use a module?“ in the TUTORIAL section for the information on how to use the sensor, how to connect it to Dasduino/Arduino and downloading the library.
DHT11 is the simplest temperature and humidity sensor that can find. It connects to Dasduino in a very simple way using just one code (video below) and gives you back two variables as temperature and humidity.
It does not require extra calibration to work, just plug it in and use it. Look up the library for it in the TUTORIAL section.
Ever wanted to build your own weather station using Arduino? Then the BMP180 breakout board with precision sensor from Bosch might interest you. The digital sensor on the board precisely measures the changes in barometric pressure and temperature. It uses the piezoresistive effect to gather the information. Since the pressure varies depending on height, the sensor can measure altitude too. Very low current consumption and voltage allow this type of sensor to be used in many modern devices.
The design is 5V ready with an onboard regulator for 3.3V. The breakout board’s standard current consumption is very low, only 5 µA. It uses an I2C interface, and the I2C address is 0x77. No soldering, nor need for distinguishing between SDA and SCL is required due to easyC. The sensor has integrated EEPROM memory with data for calibration. The pressure is measured in steps of 1hPa (=0.01hPa =0,01mbar), and 0.1°C for temperature.
Product usage tips:
If there is an error while using the breakout board, see if it’s connected properly. Take a look at the pinout. If everything is properly connected, check if the I2C address of the breakout board is correct prior to programming it. The I2C 7-bit address should be 0x77. If everything is correctly connected and the I2C address is right, look through your code once again. There might be some bugs in the code that are stopping the sensor from working as it should.
BMP180 breakout board works very well in combination with any Dasduino board and OLED I2C 0.96” display breakout board. All of them use easyC so they can be connected in a matter of seconds. The BMP180 sensor can measure the barometric pressure and temperature, while the OLED display can show them. The breakout board also comes with two mounting holes so you can attach it onto something and it won’t budge.
To keep the sensor working for a long while, we would advise you not to use it in extreme conditions. Going over or below the temperature range will surely damage the sensor. Same with the pressure. Keep track of the current going through it. Allowing too high of a current through the breakout board will burn the sensor and render it completely useless.
BME280 is an atmospheric sensor which measures 3 values: temperature, pressure, and humidity. Additionally, it is possible to calculate elevation. It is simple to use since it communicates via I2C and it is extra small sized so it can be put anywhere. Everything you need to know about the atmospheric condition – this sensor can measure for you; just ideal for meteorological station projects! This board comes with two easyC connectors, providing easy connections.
The BME680 is an atmospheric sensor that measures four values: temperature, pressure, humidity and air quality as an IAQ index. Using that data can calculate elevation. It is really simple to use considering that it’s using I2C communication protocol and its dimensions are really small so it can fit anywhere. Everything you need to know about the atmospheric conditions and the quality of the air – you can find out using this sensor (ideal for weather station projects!) This board comes with two easyC connectors, providing easy connection to other products.
Want to keep track of both the humidity and temperature in your room? Or maybe in the greenhouse to protect your crops? The SHTC3 breakout board is the solution you’re looking for! The digital sensor measures the changes in humidity and temperature very precisely. Since it’s very accurate and the temperature range is wide, it is a go-to sensor if you want precise climate information.
The breakout board uses the I2C communication protocol. Thus, it has two easyC ports so no soldering, nor distinguishing between SDA and SCL is required. The hardware-defined I2C address is 0x70. The design is 3.3V ready with an onboard regulator for 5V. The board’s standard current consumption is low, only 430 µA.
Product usage tips:
If you encounter errors when using the breakout board, see if it’s connected properly. First, look at the pinout on the board and your microcontroller. If everything seems OK, look at the connections on the breakout board. If all the wiring is correct, make sure that the breakout board’s I2C address is right. It should be 0x70. Everything as it should be so far? Go through your code again. There might be some bugs that are stopping things from working as expected.
The SHTC3 breakout board works wonderfully in combination with Dasduino Core and 16×2 easyC LCD. You can display temperature in one row and humidity in the other. Due to the easyC connections on all three, hooking all the devices together is as easy as it gets. The SHTC3 breakout board has two mounting holes so it can be attached to the project and won’t budge. The pins provided can be soldered if you don’t want to use the easyC ports.
To keep the longevity of the sensor, keep track of the current going through the circuit. Allowing an excessive amount of current to flow through it may cause the sensor to fail. It is not impact-resistant. When dropped from a high distance or at an odd angle, it can break beyond repair.
NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient) is a resistor with variable resistance that changes depending on the temperature. The advantage of NTC is that it can measure a large temperature range, and measuring it with a voltage divider is very easy.
Thermocouple is a temperature measuring device, with its range usually bigger than standard sensors. If you’ve ever bought a multimeter and got some kind of temperature sensor, that is the thermocouple.