If you have a device based on the CH340 USB to UART converter, follow these instructions for driver installation. So, let’s go!
Follow the steps below:
1. Download the drivers here.
2. Open the downloaded file CH34x_Install_Windows_v3_4.EXE
3. Follow the installation instructions
4. After the installation, it is recommended to restart the computer.
5. You are ready to use it!
Checking the properly installed drivers can be done in the Device Manager (right click on My Computer, then Properties, and Device Manager). Under Ports (COM &LPT) check if you have something similar to the image below.
1. Download the drivers here.
2. If you use any version of MacOs other than Sierra – install the version v1.3 named CH34x_Install_V1.3.pkg. If you use MacOS Sierra, install the version v1.4 named CH34x_Install_V1.4.pkg.
3. Follow the installation instructions.
4. Restart the computer.
5. You are ready to use it!
Checking the properly installed drivers can be made by entering the command “ls /dev/tty.*” to the terminal, where the line “/dev/tty.wchusbserial…..” should appear – like in the image below, but with different numbers and letters.