You are a beginner with Dasduino. Or electronics? A specific module caught your eye, but you do not know how to use it? Do not worry, HUM is here for you! How to Use Module (HUM) is a blog tutorials series by soldered where you will find all you need in order to begin working with your favorite module. Tutorials include: technical characteristics, work principle, instructions on how to connect module with Dasduino and the basic code. Everything else is left to your imagination.
DHT22 or AM2303 is a capacitive sensor for air humidity and air temperature. The sensor is of excellent quality, very precise, but a bit more expensive and slower (2 seconds). In addition to the measuring device, the modul consists of an 8-bit microcontroller and OTP memory which are used to calibrate each reading. Small dimensions, low power consumption and long distance data transfer (> 20m) make it applicable to many devices.
Voltage: 3.3 – 5.5V (recommended 5V)
Current: 300uA (average)
Measurement range: 0-100%RH; -40~80 °C
Accuracy: +-2%RH; +-0.5 °C
Long-term stability: +-0.5%RH/per year
Measurement time: 2s
Dimensions: 14x18x5.5mm
Diagrams below show the accuracy of readings depending on the measurements.
For more, check the datasheet.
Dasduino and DHT22 communicate via SDA (serial data) pin on the DHT and I/O pin on the Dasduino, making the simplified single-bus (one-wire) communication. Due to its master/slave structure, SDA pin requires an external pull-up resistor. The resistor value depends on the length of the cable between the microcontroller and the sensor. It is recommended to use 5.1k resistors for 5V voltage, while the cables of >20m in length do not require a resistor. If you are using 3.3V voltage the cable length can be of up to 1m maximum.
This is how the measuring procedure looks like:
The microcontroller sends a start signal to the SDA pin of the DHT which turns from saving to running mode. The signal usually lasts for 1ms, after which the I/O microcontroller is set to input. DHT responds with 40bit data representing relative humidity and air temperature.
For readings off the DHT22 we will use a library which can be downloaded on the GitHub. If you are unsure of how to install a new library, follow this tutorial. The sample code, as always, can be found under File – Examples, after you have installed the library. Below is our version which provides humidity and air temperature readings, and feels like temperature.