There are a few great libraries we can use with this module. Here we will work with RF24 library (also, recommendations for mirf library). If you need help installing or using libraries, find everything you need here.
HUM: NRF24L01+

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nRF24L01+ is the new series of 2.4GHz radio modules, and unlike the older nRF24L01 it supports 250 Kbps low speed operations (the maximum speed it supports is 0.25 Mb/s). Although the module is neither the nicest nor the best breakout ever, at very low consumption, and low price, it provides great range of about 100m in open space. Of course, it is possible to improve it using a better antenna (up to 1km). You can check an excellent tutorial on how to make your own antenna here.
Frequency: 2400 – 2525 MHz
Voltage: 3.3V (tolerates 5V)
Current: 11.3mA at 0dBm
Maximum current: 60mA
Speed: 2Mbps, 1Mbps ili 250kbps
Range: 100m
Dimensions: 34mm x 17mm x 5mm
Communication: SPI
For more, check the datasheet.
Remark: We recommend connecting the capacitor directly to the module, between 3.3V and gnd (beware of polarity!), values of 10uF or more. It especially refers to connecting to Croduino Basic(1) with the FTDI which provides merely 50mA of current at 3.3V, Somehow like this.