simple rain sensor

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Simple rain sensor board with easyC
Simple rain sensor board with easyC

This sensor has two pieces – the rain sensor and the simple sensor. The rain sensor has nickel-coated lines on both sides. It measures moisture and outputs the data to the simple sensor that reads it. The simple sensor comes with easyC connectors onboard, which enables quick and easy connection with Dasduino microcontroller boards.


With the easy-to-use simple rain sensor, farmers can save water in irrigation. The sensor will alert them to shut down the water supply when it senses rain. It can even act as an automatic on and off switch, like turning on wipers on a car when it senses rain.


Simple rain sensor
Simple rain sensor

Water is essential for life on Earth. Using water efficiently is very important. With the easy-to-use simple rain sensor, farmers can save water while irrigating their crops. The sensor will alert them to shut down the water supply when it senses rain. It can even act as an automatic on and off switch, like turning on wipers on a car when it senses rain.


This sensor has two pieces – the rain sensor and the simple sensor. The rain sensor has nickel-coated lines on both sides. It measures moisture and outputs the data to the simple sensor that reads it. The simple sensor uses the LM393 differential comparator. The main benefit of this board is ability to give analog and digital output. By setting the potentiometer on the board, you are able to get digital signal at the DO pin when signal crosses certain value, while analog values will be present on the AO pin at all times.

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