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In this category you will find all the breadboards that we offer. Mini, normal or large, we believe it will meet the needs.

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A breadboard is a piece of equipment that anyone who works with electronics must have. It enables connecting components and modules without soldering and in that way provides simpler testing, prototyping and learning. This breadboard is inside our Dasduino Beginner Kit.


Large breadboard
Large breadboard

A breadboard is a piece of equipment that anyone who works with electronics must have. It enables connecting components and modules without soldering and in that way provides simpler testing, prototyping and learning.


Mini breadboard
Mini breadboard

Mini breadboard for beginners or for fast prototyping.

The colors on offer are green, blue, red, white and black. We send them out randomly so you could get any of them. If you prefer a specific one, leave a message with your order letting us know which one and we’ll try to fulfill your wish. 🙂

Coming soon Breadboard power supply board
Breadboard power supply board

If you need a simple and stable power source for your breadboard projects, this board is here to help. Supply it with DC jack DC power or using UCB-C cable, and the board provides 3.3V, 5V or 12V directly to the power supply lines on the breadboard. Output voltages are adjustable seperately using the onboard switches. There’s a power LED, a power switch and an automatic voltage selection circuit, in case both power inputs are there.

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