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In this category there are products representing wire communication from our offer. For example, CAN and LIN modules, programmers, logic converters, etc.

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Logic level converter board
Logic level converter board

This logic level converter board module gives us a translation of logic level between two signals. In layman’s terms, if we take a signal with logical “unit” on 5V convert into a signal which logical “unit” has on 3.3V this module will help us. Something like this is useful in this case if we want to achieve communication between two devices from whom one works on 5V and the other on 3.3V, or any other combination of voltages. Directly connecting we would “burn” a device that works on 3.3V and a module gives us to avoid that.


Max. voltage: 30V
• Number of channels: 4
Dimensions: 22 x 22mm

USB-UART CH340 converter board
USB-UART CH340 converter board

This small USBUART adapter converts USB communication into UART (serial) communication, and everything you might need is already on this small board. In addition to the classic UART pins that are arranged in the standard layout: DTR, RXD, TXD, VCC, CTS, GND, other pins available of the CH340 chip are also available on header: RS232, RI, DCD, DSR, RST and CTS. Indication LEDs show activity on RXT and TXD lines, and a 500mA fuse protects this programmer, the USB port of the computer that is connected, and other devices connected to it from damage.

Additionally, there is a voltage regulator and a switch on the board, and it is possible to choose the output voltage of 3.3V or 5V, depending on the device you are using. The logic of the UART signal is always 3.3V, but don’t worry, 5V devices will work with 3V3 UART logic without any problems. Use a USB-C cable to connect.

Logic level converter generic TXB0104 breakout
Logic level converter generic TXB0104 breakout

This small and simple module gives us a translation of logic level between two signals. In layman’s terms, if we take a signal with logical “unit” on 5V convert into a signal which logical “unit” has on 3.3V this module will help us. Something like this is useful in this case if we want to achieve communication between two devices from whom one works on 5V and the other on 3.3V, or any other combination of voltages. Directly connecting we would “burn” a device that works on 3.3V and a module gives us to avoid that.


This board is specialized for signal conversion for any communication protocol, and for this conversion, it uses a special integrated circuit that enables communication at high speeds.


Max. voltage: 30V
• Number of channels: 4
Communication protocol: any besides I2C
Dimensions: 22 x 22mm

RS-485 transciever breakout
RS-485 transciever breakout

This module allows you to connect a Dasduino, or similar microcontroller, to a RS-485 communication protocol. The RS-485 is used to send data over long distances (up to 1200m) at 20Mbps and in high-noise environments, such as industrial. The module works on 5V and requires between 120μA and 500μA of current.


Voltage: 5V
Based on: SN65176BDR
• Dimensions: 38 x 2mm

RS-232 transciever breakout
RS-232 transciever breakout

The RS-232 is a standard and very popular protocol for communication between two devices. It is a full-duplex protocol which means it can receive and send data at the same time, and data is sent at voltages from + 3V to + 15V for a digital “one” and from -3V to -15V for digital “zero”. This provides a more secure environment for data transmission which is resistant to noise or interference, which is why the RS-232 is often used in industry. This module converts serial communication to RS232.


Communication lines: TX, RX
IC:232 MAX

Voltage: 3.3V – 5.5V
• Dimensions: 22 x 22 mm

microSD card reader breakout
microSD card reader breakout

A module which enables the use of micro SD cards with Arduino via SPI communication. You can save various types of data on the SD card, create logs, read the information from it or perform various actions.

Coming soon I2C multiplexer TCA9548A breakout
I2C multiplexer TCA9548A breakout

Have you ever found yourself wanting to connect more than one I2C device to a single controller and couldn’t because they have identical I2C addresses? There you have it, I2C multiplexer (I2C MUX) allows you to use up to 8 devices with the same address on the same bus! If we mention that TCA9548A, the IC on which this breakout is based, has three adjustable pins for the I2C address, which means a total of 8 possible addresses. We can reach 64 devices with the same address on the same bus. For example, it is possible to connect 64 BME680 sensors that are read by only one microcontroller.


This adapter is particularly practical because it enables multiplexing of easyC devices.

Coming soon CONNECT programmer
CONNECT programmer

CONNECT programmer is designed to allow extremely simple programming of boards based on ESP8266 and ESP32 microcontrollers. It contains all the necessary electronics and logic so that programming can be done by plugging USB cable into CONNECT programmer and connecting CONNECT programmer to the programming header. Electronics that take care of timing and signal sequence are also on board, so it puts the ESP uC into bootloader mode.

ESP programming header can be found boards made by Soldered based on ESP8266 or ESP32 microcontrollers that do not have a USB-UART converter, but this programmer can be used for any other ESP32 / ESP8266 board as well.


IC: CH340
Pin layout: GPIO0, RESET, RX, TX, 3V3, GND
LEDs: RX, TX, power
• Dimensions: 38 x 22 mm

LIN Transceiver NCV7329 breakout
LIN Transceiver NCV7329 breakout

LIN (Local Interconnect Network) is a serial network protocol used for communication between components in cars. The LIN bus is an alternative to the CAN bus, and the difference is that LIN has a lower speed and supports a smaller number of simultaneous devices, but also has drastically lower costs. LIN is used for communication between microcontrollers. The operating voltage is 18V.


Master/Slave is a communication model where one device (Master) controls one or more devices (Slave), and the Slave then listens to the commands it receives from the Master. One Master on the LIN protocol can control up to 16 devices.

Coming soon CAN Transceiver MCP2518 board
CAN Transceiver MCP2518 board

CAN Transceiver (Controller Area Network) is a network technology that enables fast communication between microcontrollers, and is the most commonly used standard in cars. Our CAN breakout uses an MCP2518FD CAN whose communication between microcontrollers takes place on SPI protocol. In addition there is a CAN transceiver. This breakout allows use of both standards (CAN 2.0B and CAN Flexible Data (FD)). Access to the CAN bus is possible via CANH and CANL pins on the screw terminal. The 120ohm terminator resistor is also located on the board and can be connected to a jumper.


Standards: CAN 2.0B i CAN FD
• Voltage: 2.7V i 5V
Current: from 10uA to 12mA
SPI interface
Dimensions: 38 x 22 mm

Coming soon Logic level converter I2C TXS0104 breakout
Logic level converter I2C TXS0104 breakout

This small and simple module gives us a translation of logic level between two signals. In layman’s terms, if we take a signal with logical “unit” on 5V convert into a signal which logical “unit” has on 3.3V this module will help us. Something like this is useful in this case if we want to achieve communication between two devices from whom one works on 5V and the other on 3.3V, or any other combination of voltages. Directly connecting we would “burn” a device that works on 3.3V and a module gives us to avoid that.


This board is specialized for signal conversion for I2C communication protocol, and for this conversion it uses a special integrated circuit that enables communication at high speeds.


Max. voltage: 30V
• Number of channels: 4
Communication protocol: I2C
Dimensions: 22 x 22mm

IPX-IPX cable 10cm
IPX-IPX cable 10cm

This product has IPX connectors on both ends they are gold color and its lenght is. Connects easily and has good connection.

• lenght: 10cm

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